WEIRD MARKET uses fashion to describe the morden female image through the deconstruction and reorganization of some familiar but characteristic elements, incorporate artistic techniques into clothing, construct a grotesque aesthetic that is full of novel connotations and breaks standard.

WEIRD represent a mirror which reflecting those who have confidence and strength women dare to break the stereotype "beauty".

With the expression of combine nature and creativity, the brand conveys the concept of to pursue same beauty with different way in a fashionable clothing language.

WEIRD MARKET hopes that every woman will take self-pleasure as the priority, abandon doubts and depression, boldly and enthusiastically release her own charm, and find the unique beauty in herself.

WEIRD MARKET用时装来描摹新时代的女性形象,通过对一些看似熟悉却富有个性特点的元素进行解构重组,将肆意的艺术手法融入服饰,经过漫长的打磨与沉淀后,构造出满载新奇内涵、挣脱框架束缚的怪诞美学。



WEIRD MARKET希望每个女性以取悦自我为前提,抛出质疑与颓靡,大胆、热烈地释放属于自己的魅力,寻找自身所蕴藏的独特美好。